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Location: Adelaide
Registered: January 2004
AE86 Charge light on
Wed, 16 November 2005 22:51
Hey guys, for about a week now my 'charge' light has been going on and off while i drive. It may stay off for the first 5 mins, then turns itself on for the rest of the drive. I have put a brand new battery in a few days ago. But the problem was still happenening with the previuos battery.
This morning I went to start the car and it took a while to kick over 
So the battery is definately getting reduced charge.
I really don't want the alternator to be the problem 
What can I check??
* plugs?
* earth and other wires?
* belt tension?
* coil?
Any help appreciated (hope it starts at home time )

Location: Melbourne
Registered: December 2004
Re: AE86 Charge light on
Wed, 16 November 2005 23:27

Just a suggest as it has happened to me
But if you have recently installed any electrical stuff, like Cd player check all the wiring on them.
I had this problem and it was because on of the wires from the Cd player was slightly touching the body and draining the battery.
Also it could be the battery you brought as it may not be powerful enough?

Location: Adelaide
Registered: January 2004
Re: AE86 Charge light on
Wed, 16 November 2005 23:34

cheers for the advise Julz.
I cant think of anything I have hooked up recently. I'll have a look behind the CD player to make sure no wires have come loose.
The battery should be fine. The previous one worked fine for months, I have since moved it into another car and bought an exact replacement. The problem popped up about a week ago. I have since changed the battery two nights ago. but still same problem.

Location: Castle Hill
Registered: August 2003
Re: AE86 Charge light on
Wed, 16 November 2005 23:43

This is what mine did when my alternator was rooted.
Just put a new one on. I picked a replacement up for $40, so its gonna be cheaper than if you keep replacing your battery!
Or if you wanna be sure get a multimeter and test the alternator!

Location: Outer Sth East burbs, VIC
Registered: July 2004
Re: AE86 Charge light on
Thu, 17 November 2005 00:55

In my experience when my alternator had died the charge light was on constantly not intermitent like your problem.
Perhaps see if you can borrow an alternator off someone and try that out as yours could be on its way out.
Alternatively sounds a bit like a wiring problem being intermitent like it is
Location: NSW
Registered: March 2005
Re: AE86 Charge light on
Thu, 17 November 2005 01:14

My alternator died when this happened. Picked up a nice cheap new one Mates work in parts :) If you want my old alternator to re-bush etc PM me.
Location: Canberra
Registered: September 2005
Re: AE86 Charge light on
Thu, 17 November 2005 04:59

check wiring clip on back of alternator!
Mine did this when clip was slightly loose(charge light on and off)
or the alternator is giving up the ghost

Location: Montrose, VIC
Registered: May 2002
Re: AE86 Charge light on
Thu, 17 November 2005 08:02

They often get like this when they're dying - sometimes if the light is on, give it a hearty slap with a shifter/tyre lever, and it might work for a few minutes. Usually indicates that the brushes are worn out.

Location: Adelaide
Registered: August 2003
Re: AE86 Charge light on
Thu, 17 November 2005 08:19
Quote: | check wiring clip on back of alternator!
Mine did this when clip was slightly loose(charge light on and off)
Thats what mine did, I didnt do up the bolt tight enough and it wriggled itself loose over time. Ended up melting the wire off and I lost all power one day..
So check it out.