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Forums Junkie

February 2005
subs Sun, 20 November 2005 03:03 Go to next message
hey guys

ive got some speakers kicking around at home.
im planning to make a box for them. 2x 8" 100watt venom woofers.

just wondering if it worth making both ported and a sealed box?
if so how would you make the box?

ive got some designs here which ill post and show but i need my scanner or digi to work.

any ideas on how to make it decent?

ive got a fair amount of knowledge on the whole size of boxes etc.. ive made plenty of speakers b4. i want to make something that is different not your normal box with sub slapped on the side.

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Forums Junkie

I supported Toymods
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May 2002
Re: subs Sun, 20 November 2005 03:23 Go to previous messageGo to next message
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Forums Junkie

February 2005
Re: subs Sun, 20 November 2005 06:14 Go to previous messageGo to next message
thanks for that.
also does any one know where you can buy 8mm or 10mm think perspex?

i want to do the whole neon thing for the sub box.

what would it cost too? would it be worth it?
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Forster NSW
September 2004
Re: subs Sun, 20 November 2005 06:17 Go to previous messageGo to next message
A glass and aluminium/ window type shop would be the place to get perspex.
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Forums Junkie

new castle
July 2005
Re: subs Sun, 20 November 2005 06:32 Go to previous messageGo to next message
neons are cheap aswell. JB-HIFI generally have 12" ones for about $24. try ebay aswell. ebay has heaps of neons and things like that might find someone better.

if you go through with it have to put up some pics when finished
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Forums Junkie

Toymods Social Secretary

July 2002
Re: subs Sun, 20 November 2005 06:36 Go to previous messageGo to next message
CCFL's from jaycar are also pretty cheap, and a bit brighter usually too Smile

those venom subs are pretty budget though.... i wouldnt waste the effort on those!
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Forums Junkie

new castle
July 2005
Re: subs Sun, 20 November 2005 07:11 Go to previous messageGo to next message
where would you mount the woofers. 2 8" subs in boot mighten make that much of a differnece.

might be better to try and mount them under the front seats.

2, 8's under the seats and maybe a 10" or 12" inch in the boot i think would be a really good set up. all depends on budget and how much room you want to take up really
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Forums Junkie

February 2005
Re: subs Sun, 20 November 2005 10:40 Go to previous messageGo to next message
i bought these 8" coz they were uber cheap...

got them through school a while back and have been sitting for ages. they are quite good... cost me think it was about $50 for both so i wasnt complaining and there brand new. you might say a 100watt isnt much but its all about the size of the box which counts... so it runs at its performance level. unlike getting a 400watt 12" sub and stiking it in some 4litre box... = poo sound as the sub doesnt have the movement needed.
this is what it is.. and nooo it wont fit under the front seats of anything unles there deck chairs... or a hummer or something.

as for the neons i have a pair of ccfl's green ones which are meat for computers.. only 6' but hell once they get goning there bright.

lil but bright..

ill put up my sketches that ive done of the box. later on i might finish them off at a later date.

ill start the project in december when i may have some money to spend. but till then im trying to save some mooleh for going away.

ill keep this updated with progress.

i have a fealing that the perspex will be $$$ but im not sure.
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Forums Junkie

1st street on the right
November 2002
Re: subs Sun, 20 November 2005 11:32 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Perpex will = $$$$

Especially 8-10mm. Sit down while they tell you the price son. Want to bend it then bend over. Joining it? Good acrylic adhesive that part dissolves and bonds it together I have and was $80 for a toothpaste size tube. Smells great though.

8" = pretty poo, work out the surface area, it's not going to move much air. If you must, a ported box should give a better level but will be larger than a sealed box. Personally prefer ealed boxes for their tighter response.

1 Sell them
2 Buy single 12" (good one should only need 1Cf sealed)
3 ????
4 Profit
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Forums Junkie

February 2005
Re: subs Sun, 20 November 2005 23:35 Go to previous messageGo to next message
well the box design is to make the best of both worlds... sealed and ported. everyone thinks these subs are shit. i had one running in a mates ea wagon... for a car that size it was a beautifull sound. there also good for home stereos.

i really wana see what they can do in the best of worlds.. and if they do end up shit meh sell it all to some random who doesnt know shit from sugar.

ill do some final sketches n post it up.
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Adelaide, SA
June 2004
Re: subs Mon, 21 November 2005 03:57 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Use glass and not perspex. It should be cheaper and is less prone to scratches. It is also stronger and wont flex, so you'll only need 6mm glass to have the same strength as 10mm perspex. Ask the glasier to drill your holes if you are not confident or just use sealant if you are going to just stick it on.
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Forums Junkie

Land of Oz
June 2004
Re: subs Mon, 21 November 2005 04:34 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Bugger, I was hoping this was a thread about submissives. Sad

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Forums Junkie

May 2002
Re: subs Mon, 21 November 2005 04:36 Go to previous messageGo to next message


Bugger, I was hoping this was a thread about submissives.


Pity Sad

I was actually hoping it would be about Subway Subs and that dude on the ads Jarred, his pants are inspring to millions all over America.
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Forums Junkie

February 2005
Re: subs Mon, 21 November 2005 04:37 Go to previous messageGo to next message
river wrote on Mon, 21 November 2005 15:34


Bugger, I was hoping this was a thread about submissives. Sad


go start ya own thread Laughing
dont allways have to follow lead the way my wise man.
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Forums Junkie

February 2005
Re: subs Mon, 21 November 2005 04:41 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Sigmeister wrote on Mon, 21 November 2005 14:57

Use glass and not perspex. It should be cheaper and is less prone to scratches. It is also stronger and wont flex, so you'll only need 6mm glass to have the same strength as 10mm perspex. Ask the glasier to drill your holes if you are not confident or just use sealant if you are going to just stick it on.

i was going to say glass aint much fun... on a sub box eee. i'd prefer to use perspex as i can cut a shape it if need be, glass aint that easy.

but im waiting for some phone calls back from some companies with the price of there perspex.

i might head down and see how much mdf is if they still sell that nasty shit. last time i check it was like $14 or something for something quite small.
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Forums Junkie

Kellyville, Sydney
June 2004
Re: subs Mon, 21 November 2005 04:43 Go to previous messageGo to next message
maybe if you found a fish tank the right size you could mod that Laughing .
theres usually some around come council clean out time
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Forums Junkie

February 2005
Re: subs Mon, 21 November 2005 05:08 Go to previous messageGo to next message
ha that nopt a bad idea actually.. i like ur style Up To Something

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Forums Junkie

1st street on the right
November 2002
Re: subs Tue, 22 November 2005 08:29 Go to previous message
Check with your local big hardware for mdf packing sheets.

I just picked up a bundle for $10 each in 12, 16 and 18mm. Trade total would have been over $250-, cost $70-, chrged to boss at retail Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy
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