What are the options for a cam upgrade, I have been searching and have read in a post or two that the gen 2 wont accept higher lift cams without modification to the shim setup. Has anyone actauly upgraded their cams in a gen 2 or later? If so what did you go with?
You can use cams up to 9.XX mm lift with no problems. The HKS highlift cams (3.gen) with 264/272 might cause a problem. If you want/need bigger cams you can fix this by removing material from the "ramp". However it woud be a good idea to convert to either "shim-under-bucket" (like 3.gen) or "shimless-buckt" (using 1zz buckets) at the same time to eliminate the possibility of shims falling out on high revs if going bigger..
Location: nth ringwood, Victoria
Registered: August 2002
Re: 3SGE Gen 2 Cam options
Sat, 26 November 2005 22:48
you can put 12mm cams in if you wont but you need to change valve springs plus retainers plus you can buy new buckets from toyota that came from the gen 3 these are shim under buckets and you would have to buy 16 new shims as well