I have been putting my front super low king springs in on monday. The Banjo bolt was stripped that holds on the brake line, put a Helicoil it that.
Put car all back together this afternoon.
Went for a test drive tonite. Road was wet.
Car was going nicely till i tried on to the main road..spun in 1st then changed to 2nd still spinning so changed to 3rd and there was nothing. Slowed down, found 2nd and 4th....pulled over around the next corner.
Checked for fluid leaks.
Cable linkages look all ok.
Shifter moves up and down and a little sideways.
Its suck in 2nd second and i have no neutral.
I can move shift around with foot off clutch and theres nothing at all.
Hate to say it, but that sounds exactly like a dead gearbox. Selector fork mabey.... doesnt sounds like you've stripped a gear. (did that twice last year in the rally car....)
Its all good i took a closer look and worked out that the shift control cable had snapped which is why it was stuck in gear and sloppy as.
Got a second hand one for $44 and fitted that and its all good now.
But this time i went for a test drive the speedo died. What is up with my car everything breaks.