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Location: Adelaide
Registered: May 2002
4AC probs
Mon, 27 January 2003 04:20
my 4AC is running really bad (not that it ever ran good as such).
It starts and idles normally for a few seconds and then the revs slowly drop till it dies. It Starts ok every time and if i rev it its ok but stopping at traffic lights is rather an annoyance!
Any Ideas on where to start looking? Does this problem sound farmiliar?
Cheers for any help...

Location: Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Re: 4AC probs
Mon, 27 January 2003 04:26

try adjusting you idle screw in the carby.

Location: Newcastle
Registered: September 2002
Re: 4AC probs
Mon, 27 January 2003 06:22

I had a problem that was sounds just like that! I eventualy found that the auto chock was playing up. as i had a spare carby i just swap them over and it hasnt done it!

Location: Adelaide
Registered: July 2002
Re: 4AC probs
Mon, 27 January 2003 06:44

maybe a vacuum leak, check the PCV valve, tho that would usually make quite a loud hissing sound hmm worth a shot

Location: Adelaide
Registered: May 2002

Location: Face down in a ditch
Registered: May 2002
Re: 4AC probs
Mon, 27 January 2003 09:45

Also check that the leads are properly secured.

Location: Sydney, Australia
Registered: May 2002
Re: 4AC probs
Mon, 27 January 2003 19:46

you could also try checking for air leaks around the carby, maybe a vacuum hose has popped off somewhere or maybe the gasket is leaking.. just a thought...
Registered: December 2002
Re: 4AC probs
Wed, 29 January 2003 00:25
I have had a simmalar problem just recently mine was a combo of the auto choke and the timing, i have since got the timing belt replaced. just a tip, if you want the 4ac to go harder... advance the timing til it pings nock it back a few degrees and bingo you have yourself a pocket rocket that should by rights knock off most standard ae92's he he he...
I'm not sure how long that will make the engine last tho. not that i care i'm putting in a 7A-FC!! (7A-FE block and 4A-FC head)
Billus McFlunday