im in the process of collecting parts for my 18R-GU rebuild. Im looking for mainly the 9.7:1 pistons. These are pretty easy to identify cos they have a bloody huge dome on them which sticks up at LEAST 15mm, ad look sweet compared with a weak looking dome on the 8.7:1 pistons.
Im also looking for the camshafts from the 11111-88230 head, these should have a number imprinted on them, ending in 88230 or 88231 depending on intake or exhaust. Im looking for the 88231 camshaft. I have a bunch of other shafts to swap if anyone wants them
Im in sydney, will pay postage if far away, and will accept all pm's and emails
I have that big valve(2"intake 1.75" Exhaust) head and super charger cams sitting on the bench still that you saw at my work shop at smithfiled.
If you make me a offer they me become yours.
I also have some of the pistion in 0.5 mm over size.
i have a complete 18rg sitting under my house out of my corona. It supposivly has 350 lumpy cam in it. U can have it for $250 and its complete and running.