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I supported Toymods
Location: Perth
Registered: May 2002

I supported Toymods
Location: Sutho/Hills NSW
Registered: September 2002
Tue, 18 February 2003 01:15

damn that is one nice car.
i am a aston martin fan

Location: c'town, NSW
Registered: May 2002
Tue, 18 February 2003 01:48

now thats what i like to see in a car, long, flat and fat.
does anyone notice that the wheel track of cars today is getting smaller and the height of cars are getting taller?
what ever happened to the long bonnet and low roofline? *sigh*

Location: Lost in the K hole
Registered: May 2002
Tue, 18 February 2003 02:20

ahhhhh.... long, low, fat, flat, and a looong bonnet.... maaaa6666111111.......

I supported Toymods
Location: Perth
Registered: May 2002
Tue, 18 February 2003 02:22

Doesn't that description pretty much fit any Supra?

Location: Lost in the K hole
Registered: May 2002
Tue, 18 February 2003 03:38

hehehe... i have to say. the roofline of my mkii is now potentially lower than nishads lowered mkiv. cant say for sure, but they are atleast equal. side by side youd be hard to pick it

I supported Toymods
Location: I renounced punctuation
Registered: May 2002

I supported Toymods
Location: Perth
Registered: May 2002
Tue, 18 February 2003 09:56

So you like those springs huh? Where you get em from? I'm keen to find some
Bet you his car is wider though

Location: Eskilstuna, Sweden
Registered: May 2002
Tue, 18 February 2003 11:26

Argggghhhh yes the British car and it's electrical system have not had much joy in the past have they.
Nice luggage huh........

Registered: May 2002
Wed, 19 February 2003 14:04

yeah it's a good looking car for sure, but worth a post??
Well maybe a post but not a whole topic!! just put the viper next to it and it will fade into nothingness!!
Gotta love the dodge!!

Location: Cabramatta, NSW
Registered: May 2002
Wed, 19 February 2003 23:16

There is no way a Viper looks that good.

I supported Toymods
Location: I renounced punctuation
Registered: May 2002
Wed, 19 February 2003 23:38

"Er...I'm sorry....the engine seems to be missing two cylinders. Oh, and are they pushrods?"
Also a bit of hard work in the brakes department and the wheels start cracking. Typical American shoddy workmanship.
Supercar, I think not. Maybe 20 years ago, but not even in the same magazine rack as a McLaren, Ferrari or Porsche.

Location: Canberra
Registered: January 2003

Location: Carlingford, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Thu, 20 February 2003 00:34

there is a best motoring supercar race with all these cars in it
guess which 1 wins....
the F50

Location: Perth - Cannington
Registered: December 2002
Thu, 20 February 2003 00:52

Supra's still own.

Location: Brisbane
Registered: May 2002
Thu, 20 February 2003 01:21

katsuchiyo wrote on Thu, 20 February 2003 11:52 | Supra's still own.
LOL so true

I supported Toymods
Location: Perth
Registered: May 2002

Location: Canada
Registered: September 2002
Thu, 20 February 2003 15:40

here now, frank!
The hood skin on my RA65 used to start to shake up&down in teh stalled air over 180KPH...!
But the Aston just r0xx0rz... damn fast for a fat pig too! weight. whassat?
BTW - the cD (coeff. of drag) works out better on 20's 30's tall-boy designs that most low/wide cars. go figure.
Has to do with frontal area.
and more of the taller thing has to do with cabin space (cab forward crap) and hey - aren't Americans overweight anyway? they don't NEED the shoulder room then...
And so on.
From an engineering stand, there's great gains to be had for usable space and crashworthiness with most of the new designs.
That said, I don't like many of them.
And nice low cars will always be the standard for "supercars" since ya need a low CG (center o Gravity) to cope with 1+G cornering. hehehe

I supported Toymods
Location: Perth
Registered: May 2002
Thu, 20 February 2003 23:26

Thats not necessarily true dude, its all about the way the air runs over the car and the way it leave it. Add to that how much downforce the engineers decide to design into the body. Take a look at the Koenigsegg CC for example, lots of downforce, yet its long, low, wide and only has a CD of .30
You're RA65 bonnet used to do that at over 180kph? Must hit something past 175kph, thats all my RA60 would do with the A/C on, two people and loaded up...still felt very composed, hit an aerodynamic brick wall though

Location: Sydney
Registered: October 2002
Fri, 21 February 2003 05:04

Nice, but I would rather a concourse condition 1964 DB4. (the original Bond car) Probably cost more than the 2005 Vantage.

Location: Canada
Registered: September 2002
Fri, 21 February 2003 17:32

Actually if you want to talk aerodynamics - the RA65 used to start to flip the hood metal around 160 i guess... by that ime I'm less looking at the pretty red paint than I am the stuff in front of it. lol! But keep in mind that the RA6x's used thinner sheet, with a flatter profile than any of the previous model.
I wound up using my audio-insulation foam tape to pad teh bracing to settle it down some for top-speed blasts (nervous)
But the car itself felt like it "settled down" into a real smooth ride around 140-150 and up
The Ma47 didn't hit that place until 160 when it was stock!
All the wanders and such just kind of went away.
Now that it's lowered and stiffer and airdammed and such, it doesn't get that "settle in" feeling! Tho there's no longer the corner-initialisation instability I see in almost all solid-axle Celis anymore either.
Now the faster you go the more solid it feels. I think I'm well on the way to achieving the aerodynamic and suspension effect I'm looing for!
Yes, over the Ton you can really feel it suck down to the road. hehe. drooolz for spring.
The thing I find with most of the new-er dream car-level stuff is more a separation of the man-machine interface.
Like the Mercedes Kompressor I almost leased. VERRRY nice, very smooth, fast, handles...etc.
But you are playing a video game for all the real feeling of the car.
I wonder if the Aston is like that?

Location: Canada
Registered: September 2002
Fri, 21 February 2003 18:03

Well-written article
But incomplete, and no outside reference.
Explains the research going into controlling air from the front of Bloo Dragon tho (vented hood, underbody work) 9795C4B-prod1
I'll keep looking - there's gotta be a good reference out there somewhere. I know it was a research project comparing cD of the tall-boy cars to the newer stuff.
Otherwise when I get time I'll write it up myself after a trip back to my old engineering library, heh.
Anyone wanting to argue can email me
I enjoy good technical conversations.
Otherwise - email me if you'd like to send me a '00 JDM JZA, or the Aston.

I supported Toymods
Location: Epping, Sydney
Registered: May 2002
Sat, 22 February 2003 05:54

my ra65 did 185km/hr (then ran out of road) and it felt wonderful.
still absorbed the dips and crests, no major death wobbles in the steering wheels (just a light shake), and certainly nothing wrong with the bonnet.
of course, it had that "if you turn the steering wheel now I'm not changing direction" feel about it... but you get that when you're going that fast

Location: Cabramatta, NSW
Registered: May 2002
Mon, 24 February 2003 22:57
I know nothing shakes in my car up to about 230km/h, except the passenger of course....
As for coefficient of drag... The LS430 has a 0.26 Cd and it's a brick on wheels....