Registration to this forum is free! We do insist that you abide by the rules and policies detailed below. If you agree to the terms, please press the Agree button at the end of the page.- This is a private forum run by the Toymods Car Club Board and membership is at their discretion.
- Users are only allowed one username.
- No Animated gifs or offensive pictures are allowed as avatars
- Personal attacks are not permitted.
- Posts that are rude, offensive, insulting, slanderous or encouraging illegal activities are not permitted.
- Political, Religious, Racist or Sexist comments or threads are not permitted.
- No pornographic content or links are permitted.
- If a member posts such comments their membership may be revoked.
- If you are moderated and you wish to discuss it then e-mail a moderator or email the board at
- If you have concerns about any posts or threads then e-mail a moderator, select the Report message to a Moderator option or email the board at
The Toymods Board reserves the right to modify these rules when necessary. TOYMODS CAR CLUB BOARD All posts are the property and responsibility of the poster, the forum moderators and administrators have no obligation to monitor any posts, however Toymods reserves the right to edit, refuse to post or to remove any information and/or materials (in whole or in part) that in its discretion considers objectionable or in violation of any applicable law or the Conditions of Use.