Don't you hate when people put you down using something you like or a hobby to attack you?
i've setup a personal website that was supposed to be a diary for my corolla. conversion, modifcations and all related. I had this feeback system. And naturaly you'd have so called friends drop by to check it out. Now one's fed up and left me a comment; i think you should give up on your car. and get real friends.
I know who it could be. 1 out of 3 persons. But i don't really care. I guess what craps me the most is how i tried so hard going out of my way and being nice to them. And i get this. like i know stuff about them what people talk behind there backs and all but i dont use it. And they hit me with degrading talk. Blah!
These people are so arrogant and jump to conclusions. I hate it when people come in to bust your day. It's like you having a natural disagreent about something but you wouldn't jump in out of nowhere and say it out.
Sometimes it suxs when you try and you achieve nothing and worse brought futher with crap