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Toymods Board Member I supported Toymods
Location: Turramurra, Sydney.
Registered: May 2002
So you like a bit of late night driving, eh?
Wed, 17 July 2002 08:20
After some discussion at the last meeting, we decided to form a 'late list', a list of people who would like to be informed of any short notice late night cruises. So if you work late, or regularily find yourself tossing & turning, unable to sleep, and yearning for the open road, then leave your mobile number here, and we can use ICQ (if you have it) to send out SMS', for free.
Then next time you're going for a late night drive, or want to go for a late night drive, you can msg a few people & see if they're keen.
But please only leave your number if you are keen & definitely intend on turning up when you can, it won't be worth it if we have to message 20-30 people, then meet up with only 1 or 2.
Joel 0403 441 141
Dammit, I just tested it, & it doesn't work with my phone. Dammit, another reason to get a new phone....
| Subject | Poster | Date |
So you like a bit of late night driving, eh?
BigWorm | Wed, 17 July 2002 08:20 |
Re: So you like a bit of late night driving, eh?
justcallmefrank | Wed, 17 July 2002 08:23 |
Re: So you like a bit of late night driving, eh?
RA28 | Wed, 17 July 2002 14:09 |
Re: So you like a bit of late night driving, eh?
justcallmefrank | Wed, 17 July 2002 14:26 |
Re: So you like a bit of late night driving, eh?
kevz0r | Wed, 17 July 2002 16:27 |