I am looking at slotting a 4age into my little rolla in a search for more power. i already have a 3t-c in it. I bought a t18 wreck and did the conversion so i have the t50 5 speed(will this bolt up to 4age, im told it does) hydraulic clutch, i kept the steering rack by grafting mounts to new crossmember.
I used to have an ae82 with the 4age which i put into a light pole(will post pics soon) and was impressed with power and revs.
I really want to know which is best motor to go for still n/a not the "z" option. should i get a fwd 100 kw motor and source a rwd plenum(or will the fwd one fit in anyway)or just try to get the rwd variant. How about exhaust manifolds? should i try to get rwd again ot go extractors custom made anyone who has done it if they could please help.