These ITB's are for my 3T.
Butterflies are 40mm ones and are modified/made from Volvo carbs.
Inlet manifold part is made from 3T manifold and 3T rocker cover. I cut the flange from the old carb manifold and welded the 3T rocker cover to the straighened flange. Old spark plug holes perform now as intake runners. Rest of the rocker cover was cut away. This all bolts up nice. Runner is 10cm long and the hole in flange side is 34mm, which is same as 3T inlet channel. Hole in the other end of the runner is 40mm.
Throttle bodys were made from Volvo carbs as I stated. I basically cut everything off just leaving 2cm long block with the butterfly in it. I turned a mandrel/arbor/triblet(which is the correct word?) that I used to press bellmouths. Current bell mouths are 10cm long and are made from stainless steel. I was originally going to lathe the bell mouths from aluminum but the copy lathe broke before I get to it. I'm going to try different bell mouth profiles and lenghts. I made butterfly axles are made from silversteel and synchro mechanism is modified from twin carb Saab and Toyota "things" . Balance pipe is seen in pics 1,2 and 5. Balance pipe is house for intake temp sensor idle and fast idle circuits and all the rest vacuum piping(brake booster port, MAP port etc.). Fuel rail is shortened Saab one. I soldered fuel rail back to one piece with silver. Everything is made from either aluminum or stainless steel bar throttle cable "arch" and the synchro mechanism.
Electrics and management:
Ignition system is MegaJolt(look the link above).
For fuel management I use MegaSquirt. Wire harness made from Corona interior harness. Injectors are from 940 Turbo Volvo. First start happened 19.11 which is yesterday at the moment of writing this. So I cant tell yet how this all works.
I'm doing this as cheaply as possible. I'm only a poor student.
Full distributorless ignition system cost 86¤ (143AUD).
MS partial kit was 50USD at the time of ordering. I cant remember what the postage was but anyway, rest of the parts were bought from SP-Elektroniikka ~20¤ (~33AUD)
Fuel lines including pressure meter cost about 40¤ (66AUD).
Fuel lines are made from braided Teflon tube.
Injectors were über expensive, 200¤ (330AUD), but luckily these were renewed and flow tested and adjusted. For some odd reason it's hard to came upon a set of injectors here in Finland. Fuel pressure regulator is FSE one and the fuel pump is Bosch one from K-jet Audi. These both I got for free from my friends, well I turned some bits for them but anyway no money was spend. TPS is Weber one from some Fiat. I got it from wrecker. It cost about 10¤ (16AUD). These were the only costs. Every thing else I either made or got free. I havent count the hours that this has taken from me and I dont put price for my own work.
BTW. I'm still annoyed because of those damn expensive injectors GRRRR !