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Location: Newcastle, Australia
Registered: March 2005
Source for O2 sensors to suit 1JZ Cressida?
Mon, 23 May 2005 12:36
Hi guys, the O2 sensors in my 1JZ MX83 cressida might need replacing, just wondering what sort I need and where to get them from?
I can't find the right type on, and I'd rather buy locally if possible. Do I need ones that are specific to a 1JZ? Or will Cressida ones do?
Would somewhere like Repco, or a Toyota dealer etc have them, or do I need to look further afield?
I'd prefer to buy some new ones rather than 2ndhand ones if possible. What sort of $ am I up for?
Is it easy to test them to see if they need replacing? I have a multimeter. I only got 7km/L on the freeway between Sydney and Newcastle lol!
Thanks heaps