Ok so yesterday on the way home from the shops came around a corner that after the recent rain has copped some really bad potholes (i didn't know this till i rounded the corner). Anyway came around the corner at about 20kmph in second and its a 70 zone so i accelerate pretty hard to get up to speed.
Coming round the corner the car got some really bad axle tramp (not abnormal for the car). Anyway drove it home and noticed that the car didn't like to exceed 4 thousand rpm thought maybe the oils low. Got home let the car cool down oil was low topped it up etc.
Anyway took the car out for a drive, now it'll free rev fine past 4krpm and will do it fine in first and second gear. But now you get to about 100kmph in third (4krpm) and the car literally stops accelerating. Change to 4th and you can get to about 110kmph before the same problem happens but at about 3.2rpm.
Had a look underneath at the station to day and the diff isn't leaking (which it has done in the past) so i think there may be a problem with the tailshaft as there seemed to be a bit more vibration thru the wheel then normal.
My next door neighbour is a mechanic (and has performed the mantainence on the car) so i'll see him to check it out this weekend but is there anything i can check to see if anything obvious is wrong.